Nguyễn Hoàng Thùy Linh

Nguyễn Hoàng Thùy Linh

Tiến sĩ

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu

Y tế công cộng, sức khoẻ tâm thần, sức khoẻ vị thành niên, bà mẹ-trẻ em

Công bố quốc tế

1. Duong Le, Thang Tran, Gia Nguyen, Tu Nguyen, Tri Tran, Linh Nguyen, Nha Dang, Thang Vo, Pongdech Sarakarn. 2023. Is Social Support Associated with Colorectal Cancer Care Utilization? A Multilevel Mixed-Effects Model of a Cross-Cectional Cohort Study in Vietnam. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: 24, 113979-3984. doi: 10.31557/apjcp.2023.24.11.3979

2. Nguyen LHT, Vo MTH, Tran LTM, et al. Digital Health Literacy About COVID-19 as a Factor Mediating the Association Between the Importance of Online Information Search and Subjective Well-Being Among University Students in Vietnam. Frontiers in Digital Health. 2021;3. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.739476

3. Nguyen HTL, Nakamura K, Seino K, Vo VT. Relationships among cyberbullying, parental attitudes, self-harm and suicidal behavior among adolescents: results from a school-based survey in Vietnam. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1). doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08500-3

4. Vo THM, Nakamura K, Seino K, Nguyen HTL, Van Vo T. Fear of falling and cognitive impairment in elderly with different social support levels: findings from a community survey in Central Vietnam. BMC Geriatrics. 2020;20(1). doi: 10.1186/s12877-020-01533-8

5. Nguyen HTL, Nakamura K, Seino K, Al-Sobaihi S. Impact of parent–adolescent bonding on school bullying and mental health in Vietnamese cultural setting: evidence from the global school-based health survey. BMC Psychology. 2019;7(1). doi: 10.1186/s40359-019-0294-z

6. Watanabe N, Nakamura K, Nguyen H, Seino K, Van T. Assessment of the Validity of a Physical Activity Questionnaire for Vietnamese Children Using an Accelerometer. International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation. 2019;5(1). doi: 10.15344/2455-7498/2019/149

7. Nguyen HTL, Nakamura K, Seino K, Vo VT. Association Between a Wider Availability of Health Information and Health Care Utilization in Vietnam: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2017;19(12):e405. doi: 10.2196/jmir.8328